Yin Yoga and Myofascial Release
Tue, May 18
|Online Class
Fascial-release work can have a profound effect on your practice and well-being. Take the time to unravel accumulated tension in your body to experience freedom and ease.

May 18, 2021, 7:30 PM – 8:45 PM EDT
Online Class
UNWIND is a practice that treats muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles and accumulated stress from the body. This releases the tension in the connective tissue that wraps, connects, and supports the muscles.
In this class, you’ll be taken through a range of Yin Yoga poses and Myofascial massage ball techniques that will have you walking away as you’ve just left the spa and deeply connected to your own body. This class is perfect for those working with stiffness, tension, or who just want to know more about the Myofascial and its effects on the body.
No Myofascial or Yin Yoga experience necessary.
Class replays and free-standing mindfulness practice recordings are available to our membership subscribers. Membership ranges from $25-$65 per month for 20+ classes each month live and on-demand plus access to over 75 videos of previous classes.
One week free class pass available for all new students.
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